
Google was actually a little dodgy on the subject of GSOC 2008. Take e.g. the following exchange on the mailing list:

> What are the chances SOC will happen in 2008?

Should we choose to run Summer of Code again in 2008, we’ll notify this list.

Leslie Hawthorn even admitted that she thought the whole notion of “Summer” of code was actually very hemispherist. Luckily many Australians and Latin Americans participated in spite of it not being summer, but it can’t be denied there is a certain disadvantage for them. This made me wonder if Google was thinking about changing the format of the program.

But yesterday this message appeared:

Google Summer of Code 2008 is on! You can find full details at

Great news! GenMAPP wants to participate as a mentoring organization again, and I’m dead set on joining too, this time as mentor!

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